Twin Sisters Give Birth to Baby Girls 90 Minutes Apart — on Their Birthday

Amber Tramontana and Autum Shaw, twin sisters from Knoxville, Tennessee, have shared almost every significant life event together, from childhood milestones and school to entering the medical profession. Both sisters, who grew up cherishing their close bond, longed for their children to experience a similar connection. Remarkably, their lives aligned once again when they both gave birth to their second children within just 90 minutes of each other, on October 29, which also happens to be their shared birthday.

The sisters’ journey through motherhood has been extraordinarily synchronized. Their first children, two boys, were born only 10 weeks apart and even shared the same birth weight and length. This close timing seemed almost predestined, but the path to their second pregnancies would prove challenging, particularly for Shaw.

Shaw faced difficulties with infertility and experienced the heartbreak of a miscarriage on Christmas Day 2019. She opened up about the emotional struggle during an interview with Good Morning America, expressing that while the loss was difficult to understand, she and her sister held onto faith, believing there was a greater plan in store for them. This belief was reinforced when, not long after, both sisters discovered they were pregnant again, this time with the same due dates.


Their remarkable story unfolded at Fort Sanders Regional Hospital in Knoxville, where they celebrated their 33rd birthday in an extraordinary way. Positioned in adjacent rooms, the sisters were both induced and gave birth to their daughters just an hour and a half apart. Shaw welcomed her daughter Charleston Scott, weighing 9 pounds, 4 ounces, followed by Tramontana’s daughter Blakely James, who weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces.

The uniqueness of their simultaneous deliveries was noted by their obstetrician, Dr. George Vick, who has over four decades of experience. Dr. Vick told reporters that while he has delivered babies for twins on several occasions, he had never seen twins give birth on their own birthday. He described the event as a miraculous alignment and a “God thing.”

The joyful occasion was marked by tender moments, including when Tramontana’s husband knocked on the wall separating the delivery rooms to congratulate Shaw upon hearing her newborn’s cry. This gesture was warmly reciprocated by Shaw’s husband ninety minutes later when Tramontana delivered her daughter.


This incredible shared experience not only strengthened the sisters’ bond but also set the foundation for their daughters to grow up with a familial closeness akin to that of siblings. The births turned a page on the previous chapters of pain and waiting, bringing a profound sense of fulfillment and joy to the sisters.

Shaw reflected on the journey, noting that although they never planned for the births to be so closely aligned, it felt as though it was meant to be. She highlighted the silver lining in their challenging journey, emphasizing the beauty of the outcome where their daughters could grow up together, almost as twin sisters themselves.


Now, the family looks forward to a lifetime of joint celebrations, with quadruple birthday parties and two sets of children who will likely share as tight a knit as their mothers. This story is not just about the incredible coincidence of their birth timings but also about the resilience of faith and the enduring strength of familial bonds.

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