Mother From England Gives Birth To Rare Identical Triplets

At 23, Becki-Jo from England was already the mother of a lovely little girl named Indiana. When Becki-Jo started experiencing nausea and discomfort, she suspected she might be pregnant again. A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her suspicions, and she joyfully anticipated the arrival of another baby. However, a visit to her doctor unveiled a surprising twist: Becki-Jo was pregnant with triplets, a first in her family’s history, leaving her both excited and anxious about the unexpected journey ahead.


At 31 weeks, Becki-Jo welcomed her triplet sons, Rocco, Roman, and Rohan, into the world. Born prematurely, the boys weighed between 3lbs 5oz and 3lbs 10oz, requiring an initial stay in the NICU for three weeks to gain weight and strength.

Once home, Becki-Jo observed that her sons shared an uncanny resemblance, prompting her to question if they might be identical. Identical triplets are a rarity, and despite doctors initially dismissing the possibility, Becki-Jo pursued a DNA test to confirm her hunch. The results were affirmative: she was indeed the mother of identical triplets.


The uniqueness of her sons makes public outings a slow affair, as curious onlookers often stop Becki-Jo to inquire about the boys’ identical nature, as she recounted to the Liverpool Echo. Despite their physical similarities, the triplets possess distinctly different personalities, allowing Becki-Jo to easily distinguish between them while awake.

However, distinguishing them during their sleep poses a challenge, one she overcomes by noting their slight individual birthmarks. Becki-Jo’s story is not just one of motherhood to triplets but a testament to the joys and surprises of raising identical multiples.

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