Baby Born With Full Head Of Blond Hair Make Curious Everyone

Their son David is now three months old, and he’s sporting long, floppy blond locks that have drawn comparisons to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Even before leaving the hospital, nurses caring for him couldn’t help but notice the resemblance. Now, his parents find themselves stopped in the street by strangers remarking on his striking appearance.


New mom Tatiana Doronina expressed, “David is like a little celebrity. Everyone is absolutely fascinated by his look. People immediately draw parallels to Boris the moment they see him.”

  David came into the world weighing 9lbs 10oz, and upon first sight, his parents were taken aback by the sheer volume of hair on his head.

Tatiana, 35, recalled, “I initially thought he was so big, but then I noticed his hair and couldn’t believe it. It was only after he was washed that I realized the extent of his hair. I was truly shocked, but every nurse who met him had the same reaction—they couldn’t believe how hairy he was. He’s like a mini Boris, resembling him so much.”



The couple, who met in the UK and now reside in Surrey following a whirlwind romance, never expected their child to be blond, especially since both parents have dark hair. Tatiana even dreamt about it, although she found the idea far-fetched given their dark-haired genes.

“My husband joked that it’s a good thing he was conceived in lockdown because he doesn’t look like us. However, his hair is a beautiful color, and he has such long eyelashes. I wish I had his hair—it’s an amazing color and so thick. I was completely certain he would have dark hair; I just can’t believe my son is blond,” she remarked.

Ruslan, who works in construction, added, “We were both astonished. We’ve asked family members to find out where the blond gene might have come from. While both of us have dark hair and an olive complexion, David has fair skin and blue eyes. No one on either side of our family has blond hair, but my mother was born with blonde hair, so perhaps he gets it from my side of the family.”

Despite David’s lengthy locks at just three months old, the new parents have no plans to trim them anytime soon.

“I’m curious to see how much longer it will grow, but it’s already challenging to manage. When I wash his hair, I try to style it, but once it’s dry, it just sticks up everywhere. For now, I’ve kept his hair completely natural, but I think it will need styling, and I’ll have to blow-dry it. I anticipate he’ll require an extensive hair care routine. It’s difficult to manage, and I think it has a mind of its own—just like Boris’s hair. Maybe David will be a future PM, you never know,” Tatiana quipped.

Tatiana set up an Instagram account to share photos of David but humorously added ‘not Boris Johnson’s son’ to the bio.

“I don’t mind the Boris comparison; I know people would make it even if we didn’t realize it ourselves. I just hope Boris doesn’t mind. I hope his hair makes him stand out; I would love for him to join a baby modeling agency and see where this adventure takes us,” she said.


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